|1-SLEEPLESS IN SOUTH WALES by dave diamond of invaders Do you remember the film Sleepless in Seatle with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks? Well heres a true story that has the same delima. You see this story is about a boy who falls in love with a TV star,many of us have done it (you often here people say that they `love` Pam Anderson or Kim Basinger but basically thats the groin talking!) but to this boy (who`s 17) it was REAL. The problem was she`s a TV star and she lived in America,our hero found pictures of her in magazines and stuck them on his wall,he found a fan club address-yes!! Ill finally get to tell her what i feel so he sent off a letter. Weeks later a reply came,not from her but from the viewer services giving you some information on the star,well at least its better than nothing he thought.Sooner or later his parents found out and they had a `brief` conversation (about five words) somehow the boy was ashamed that he had fallen in love with someone he had never met and who lived so far away.The boy had no experience with girls and consequently never had a girl friend because he was sooo shy and in the back of his mind he knew he would never be able to hold her next to him. A few months later the tv company that produced the show held a competition-to meet her!! it was a dream come true,even though it ment a trip of 5 hours to london,he was so determined to see her that he sent in over fortie entries to the competition-and lost to a girl (eh?) he didnt even get a consolation prize! Some weeks later the girl appeared on several TV chat shows which he taped and viewed over and over again,many months passed with the series ending and the boy slowly forgetting the girl-then she came back for another interview which stirred all the emotions up again,he was more in love with her than before!! He wrote for help and they all had the same reply-how can you love her if you`ve never met? Well i guess for our hero it all started out as a crush which grew and grew. Today he is still in love with her but knows that it would be impossible to ever see her...how do i know so much? Because i am the boy and the girl is Melissa Joan Hart. End.